The average house price on LEPTON HARE CHASE is £272,352
The most expensive house in the street is 6 LEPTON HARE CHASE with an estimated value of £340,976
The cheapest house in the street is 1 LEPTON HARE CHASE with an estimated value of £213,586
The house which was most recently sold was 6 LEPTON HARE CHASE, this sold on 10 Jan 2020 for £277,500
The postcode for LEPTON HARE CHASE is LS10 4TY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £213,586 £168,000 20 Oct 2017
2 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £242,627 £140,000 2 Mar 2011
3 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £223,834 £178,000 27 Apr 2018
4 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £267,549 £215,000 25 Feb 2019
5 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £246,545 £195,000 11 Jan 2018
6 LEPTON HARE CHASE Detached £340,976 £277,500 10 Jan 2020
7 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £329,472 £192,995 24 Aug 2010
8 LEPTON HARE CHASE Semi-Detached £314,230 £183,995 10 Sep 2010